More Grattan CCW, YES or NO

Discussion in 'STT Northern' started by steve802cc, Jun 15, 2014.


More Grattan Counter Clockwise (CCW), YES or NO

Poll closed Jun 29, 2014.
  1. 1) Yes more CCW days

    0 vote(s)
  2. 2) Leave the schedule as is

    0 vote(s)
  1. steve802cc

    steve802cc Knows an apex

    I talked to Richard Harris last weekend (June 7-8) about running more Grattan Counter Clockwise. Since the last thread and poll were getting old I suggested I start a new thread and poll to see if there is a demand for more Grattan CCW days.

    So here it is! IMO the last poll had to many options so to keep it simple there will be only two options to vote on
    1) more CCW days
    2) leave the schedule as is

    If you like Grattan CCW vote for more CCW days, if not vote for leave the schedule as is. We'll sort the rest out later.

    Richard and Trevor will be linked to this thread and then it's up to them.

    The poll will stay open for 2 weeks only.

    Here's you chance to be heard. Vote now!

    Richard whether you change anything or not thank you for taking the time to listen to one of your customers.
  2. JeffLittle

    JeffLittle Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

  3. flylikechris

    flylikechris Wait, how tall are you?

    Is there a safety concern with doing CCW? Almost every Grattan thread on here gets derailed into a discussion about how people want/love CCW. I would be kind of surprised that they haven't done anything by now if they didn't have concerns.
  4. finny47

    finny47 Rides with no training wheels

    I want two days ccw or none
  5. steve802cc

    steve802cc Knows an apex

    I don't want to speak for Richard but I got the impression he did not think there was much demand for counter clockwise days.

    I don't think it's a safety issue or stt would "NEVER" run Grattan backwards and there is at least one Grattan counterclockwise day every year.
  6. steve802cc

    steve802cc Knows an apex

    I think that would be the logical choice but that is up to Richard and Trevor. Grattan is so technical that it's almost impossible to learn it in one day.
  7. IL8APEX

    IL8APEX STT Northern *****er STT Staff

    I may not be a paying customer, but I would be if we ran more CCW days!

  8. Ohio_1199DUC

    Ohio_1199DUC Knows an Apex when he sees one STT Staff

    Rub it in!
  9. j_fuggin_t

    j_fuggin_t Track Addict

    i vote more CCW, under one condition.. its CCW both days.. so there's my asterisk

  10. Ohio_1199DUC

    Ohio_1199DUC Knows an Apex when he sees one STT Staff

    2 days sounds good to me! It would be interesting though if we did 1 and 1... I think it would cause trouble though on the next day.

    I wouldn't want to be the guy riding and say " hey, all these a$$holes are going the wrong way, oh wait!" :eek:
  11. GetOnTrack

    GetOnTrack Rides with no training wheels

    CCW Grattan

    I liked the CW/CCW weekends back in the day because it helps to balance the tire wear and is indeed two tracks in one location...

    That being said, I would ride any CCW day or two - just bring 'em:getdown:
  12. sobottka

    sobottka Rides with no training wheels

    I vote yes as long as Saturday and Sunday are both counterclockwise. I would not be interested in Saturday clockwise and Sunday counterclockwise or vice versa.
  13. j_fuggin_t

    j_fuggin_t Track Addict

    thats what they typically do, CW on sat & CCW on sunday, but i've to this day only ridden CCW 4 days complete more like 3 1/4.. Gives you no time to really learn the track. I know some like the nostalgia of riding different tracks in one weekend, but i'll never be a fan of that, I pick the weekends i do so i can learn them for one reason or another.
  14. j_fuggin_t

    j_fuggin_t Track Addict

    don't worry coaches pay for it one way or another :thumb:
  15. dlockhart

    dlockhart Grid Filler

    I like the alternating days. At a track day I'm riding for fun, like getting to ride my favorite twisty road safely. So doing it split lets me ride two favorite roads in one weekend.
  16. Sherry

    Sherry Rides with no training wheels

    Might I ask if this poll will affect the 4th of July weekend?

    I have absolutely no desire to do CW one day and CCW the next. Surely due and proper notice will be given before changes are made and not to an event so soon, I'd hope.

    I've never done CCW. Not opposed to the idea, but only if I had the time (2 consecutive days) to learn the track.
  17. R/T Performance

    R/T Performance found track bike STT Staff

    I want to ride ccw. I have yet to do it but I'm ready.
    I have some friends that would come crash at my place and ride especially if we can set up
    Gingerman Friday night, gratten clockwise then gratten ccw.
    Makes it worth the haul to basically get three tracks in one weekend.
  18. skidooboy

    skidooboy titainum plate tester

    Sherry, it is very doubtfull they will change the next event at all. this poll may not effect the summer schedule at all. if it does, it will be on the buy it now track time page. dont panic until the boss (richard or trevor), comes on here and say they are going to change the schedule this season. look forward to seeing you guys at the ladies weekend.

    it truely will boil down to money. people vote with their cash. cw events sell out regularly. you would have to ask the higher ups how regularly ccw sells out. that will be the BIGGEST hurdle the ccw riders will have to clear. if it isnt financially the same or better to run ccw, why would an organization run an event and risk losing a sell out event? Ski
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2014
  19. rdpapag

    rdpapag n00b

    Doing CW and CCW in the same weekend is no different than when they Autobaun N one day and S the other.

    *shrug* Different strokes.
  20. j_fuggin_t

    j_fuggin_t Track Addict

    they won't change it at this point, it wouldn't take place until next season i'd think. I don't like alternating days either so don't feel bad.

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