post pics of squids/road rash

Discussion in 'STT General Discussion' started by sammPD4075, Jun 25, 2013.

  1. sammPD4075

    sammPD4075 Knows an apex

    saw it on another forum and there were some funny pics and some not so funny pics

    post pics of squids and/or the road roash from a crash

    ill start with a pic of(head down in shame) me .. from last summer on the old cbr


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    Last edited: Jun 25, 2013
  2. sammPD4075

    sammPD4075 Knows an apex

    saw this on another forum. fingerless workout gloves w/ helmet strapped to back of bike lol

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  3. j.baxter

    j.baxter Rides with no training wheels

    Just saw this gem on GDC


    Oh sweet jesus. I don't think I can pit with you in grattan....
  4. j_fuggin_t

    j_fuggin_t Track Addict

    here is from my stupidity..


  5. j.baxter

    j.baxter Rides with no training wheels

    Story time ^^ :pop:
  6. Bunke

    Bunke n00b

    No pictures but back when I got my first GSXR (go figure) I did the squid thing for a while. I really didn't know any better and had no idea how bad road rash really was. Anyway a couple months later I decided I was ready to try a stoppie.... grabbed the front brake too fast, locked the front up, and down I went lol
    I at least had a hoodie on and my only rash was on my elbow but that little 20mph spill was more than enough to realize how important gear was. Haven't hit the pavement without leather since then (all crashes since have been on the track anyway lol)
  7. Jtryz

    Jtryz 675'r

    You do not want to seee my fat ass with no shirt and i respect the public to much to even do it
  8. Mott Power

    Mott Power Rides with no training wheels

    I get more annoyed with the helmet on the back than anything else. But here's my contribution:


    Last edited: Jun 25, 2013
  9. Jtryz

    Jtryz 675'r

    Does this apply?

  10. j.baxter

    j.baxter Rides with no training wheels

  11. Mott Power

    Mott Power Rides with no training wheels



    This thread might delay me from some work today.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2013
  12. dmason53

    dmason53 What's an apex?

    We are overrun by DUI-style scooterists where I live.

    I don't have a pic but my favorites are the ones who ride without helmets (of course), in flip-flops while they smoke AND text. #naturalselection
  13. 16gkid

    16gkid Rides with no training wheels

    WOW....Im sure weve all gone for a ride without a jacket or gloves but you take the cake.:eek:

  14. dmason53

    dmason53 What's an apex?

    Honestly, if you're wearing jeans and a sweatshirt or the like you might as well be in shorts and no shirt. Cotton offers zero abrasion resistance.

    I don't bother riding unless I have time to do at least 30-40 miles because it takes so long to put all my ATGATT crap on. So, I usually end up riding 100 miles or more each time I get on the bike.
  15. j_fuggin_t

    j_fuggin_t Track Addict

    hmm.. where to begin.. well i guess i'll start that off with stupidity

    63 degree day, out riding with a buddy (last ride of the year) rode to the gas station, ate some food, decided to haul ass up an exit ramp in burns harbor indiana (most will pass it on their way to grattan from illinois) bike made it through the first two turns just fine, last corner (middle of 4th gear) the tire let go because i was an idiot and didn't let tires warm up & riding that fast on the street didn't help either, bike slid up the ramp across all 3 lanes of 80/94E, i slid up the ramp then face hit the green reflector pole and ripped my face shield off, then slid left foot first into a grass embankment & it catapulted me onto 80/94E, i was nearly hit by a PT cruiser (but it had great brakes and JUST missed me) I slid across all three lanes, and landed in between the rumble strip & the concrete wall. 10 months of crutches, a gimped leg for the rest of my life & a tough lesson learned... Moral of the story? don't be a dumbass

    Now i go even faster WHERE IT BELONGS :thumb:
  16. 12v_dub

    12v_dub Rides with no training wheels

  17. dmason53

    dmason53 What's an apex?

    205 but still a classic. ^^^
  18. sammPD4075

    sammPD4075 Knows an apex

    the bedroom? :lmao:
  19. Mott Power

    Mott Power Rides with no training wheels

  20. ...
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2013

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