SOLD - Brembo 19x18 GP MK2 w/ Folding Lever

Discussion in 'For Sale: Bikes, Parts & Gear' started by Gonzo511, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. Gonzo511

    Gonzo511 Rides with no training wheels


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Oct 17, 2016
  2. sbk1198

    sbk1198 What's an apex?

    May I ask why you're selling it? People usually rave about these Brembo MC's...although personally I've never used one. Did it not make as big of a difference as you expected it, compared to the stock one?
  3. Gonzo511

    Gonzo511 Rides with no training wheels

    Im selling it because its a spare MC that i had on a 2nd bike that was used for dual purpose but i sold it right after i put the MC on it. I removed it, cleaned it and put it away for a spare. Its like new though...barely used.
  4. Gonzo511

    Gonzo511 Rides with no training wheels

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