Tally area lodging

Discussion in 'STT Southern' started by cyclenut, Jun 27, 2006.

  1. cyclenut

    cyclenut n00b

    This will be my first trip to Tally. Looking at the "Track Info" page, I see there is an Econo-Lodge in Oxford. Anyone stayed there? Anyone know of any other motels in the area?

    Can't wait to get on the track...my first track day of the year and on a "new" bike...you'll find me at the back of the "I" group line!


  2. JohnC

    JohnC Old man on a wee bike

    Yeah, I stayed there last time I was at Tally. Ain't bad. There's a cluster of two or three little roadside hotels right there, all pretty much the same.
  3. soundman

    soundman n00b

    Beware of whatever hotel is near the city's sewage lagoon... Stayed there ONCE!. Never again..
  4. shovel383

    shovel383 n00b

    I'll be staying at the Sleep Inn over by the Cracker Barrell. There are several places all together and food too. I think my room was $62 because my company gets a corporate rate. Not too painful...

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