Tally GP Direction Question

Discussion in 'STT Southern' started by Chris46, Aug 21, 2007.

  1. Chris46

    Chris46 n00b

    Does anyone know which direction they are currently running the track.................clockwise or counter clockwise. Thanks.
  2. Motorin Mark

    Motorin Mark Rides with no training wheels

    Counter-clockwise till further notice. New track record set this weekend by Robert Jenson on Michelins.......56.798!
  3. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Definietly No Problem with traction at that track now!!!! I dont ever see them going clockwise again with the way Pit out is on the turn... Even though the main reason is in the begining of the back straight... I have to give Mr. Upchurch credit when credit is due... That place is awesome now and only getting better.... Looking forward to the end of Sept!!
  4. tscriggins

    tscriggins n00b

    Never rode the old layout but really enjoy riding at Tally. Wish that we could run both direction, just to get a little wear on both side of my tires and to make the ache equal on both legs! 2 days of constant lefts put a hurt on me for a few days. Not sure how they would do pit out on the clockwise run didn't seem like a lot of blend line + goes right into a little chicane. Hoping to hit it once more this year Sept will have 2 see
  5. Mick6R

    Mick6R n00b

    Cool. Was going to ask the exact same question.

    Jenson was haulin' it.

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