Toe sliders

Discussion in 'Performance & Technical' started by mattinrsm, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. mattinrsm

    mattinrsm Old dude

    Hello All,

    Are magnesium toe sliders allowed at STT events? I wore through my plastic ones on my new supertech's in a day, and wanted to upgrade.

    I didn't see anything when I did a search, but figured I should ask. Thanks.

  2. eE jeremy

    eE jeremy Rides with no training wheels

    As long as they don't spark.

    Also, you should be able to prevent toe dragging through proper foot position. Hitting a toe should be a rare event, not the norm, and if you are going through toe sliders you should probably try to fix your body positioning.
  3. mattinrsm

    mattinrsm Old dude

    It's only a problem for me at Grattan with all of the off camber corners when riding my old R1. I would never touch with my GSXR and I am on my tip toes on the pegs. Additionally, my SIDI boots would scrape too, but the toe sliders never wore out. I think the supertechs are just really soft.

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