Traditional versus wave rotors

Discussion in 'Performance & Technical' started by aosga, Jun 26, 2007.

  1. aosga

    aosga n00b

    Feb 28, 2007
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    I did a little online search on this one and have read theory of why some go with wave style rotors (turbulence to help cool and clean off the brake dust, better initial feel...) over conventional cross-drilled rotors. For those who have some experience with both, can you really tell any difference? I'm not asking which is better and I'm sure the type of pad makes the biggest difference but I'm just curious if experienced people can tell a difference or is it just "bling"?

    Adam O.
  2. hank

    hank n00b

    Feb 2, 2006
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    If someone claims that they can tell the difference and can prove it - I would be truly amazed.... it's all marketing!

    Ductile Iron v. stainless steel or different brake pad brands are one thing, but simply changing the edge pattern on the circumference? Really now... :roll:
  3. Desmo46

    Desmo46 n00b

    Mar 15, 2006
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    Hello Hank,

    I can tell the difference with some of them. They seems to have a coarser feel and more initial bite but are less linear than conventional rotors.

    The conventional rotors better suit the way I ride. I tend to use the front brake lightly when cornering to shift weight forward as needed or when dealing with traffic in corners. This is a carryover from the bad old days of hot cams, poor carburation and wide ratio gearboxes when backing out of the throttle could result in flatspots and poor acceleration.

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