+++ Facts for Road Atlanta - Aug 16/17th +++

Discussion in 'STT Southern' started by mastermindtrev, Aug 8, 2014.

  1. Toddgotfish

    Toddgotfish Rides with no training wheels

    One of the best! great day , you guys be safe and have fun tomorrow:wheel:
  2. TeamBeer

    TeamBeer Rides with no training wheels

    I had a great weekend but it was kind of a of a crashfest in A. Two in the first session and two in the second. I think the third was clean.
  3. newleaf

    newleaf What's an apex?

    we enjoyed fri night, sat and sat night.
    'I' group sat was pretty clean. thanks guys.

    special thanks to Amish racing for food and t-shirts.
    excellent food and friends in pits. big thanks to Daniel, Alec and Maya S for the spread.

    we look forward to bmp next weekend.
  4. Swodi

    Swodi Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    Had a great time Saturday and Sunday...right up until I crashed out. :(
  5. lostinbama

    lostinbama STT Staff STT Staff

  6. Swodi

    Swodi Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    Was I down there when you were talking to Cyndi? Think I held your bike while you looked it over a bit?

    Anyway, GREAT job keeping it upright!
  7. roy 826

    roy 826 Rides with no training wheels

    :wtf: :eek:

    That wasn't the smartest attempt at a pass on the friggin out lap and with everyone nose to tail getting up to speed.

    Nice recovery! :thumb:
  8. jeffrey

    jeffrey Rides with no training wheels


    nj keeping it upright. T7 can be a little dicey.. there was quite a bit of carnage on sunday.
  9. Whitney Arnold

    Whitney Arnold Run it wide. The grass is a safe place.

    We were way up on the third second level :( Also, I ended up only staying for Saturday. I got on the road back home quickly to stay away from Atlanta traffic (which did not work).

  10. teamneon

    teamneon Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    Looks like you did a "dukes of hazard" over that bike (or rider)!
  11. lostinbama

    lostinbama STT Staff STT Staff

    I used my ninja motocross skills lol
  12. mcarter551

    mcarter551 Rides with no training wheels

    Nothing like a little Hiiiyaaaa on the track! haha
  13. PROVERBS254

    PROVERBS254 Rides with no training wheels

    ok so.... Bo or Luke Duke. Who will be Boss Hogg and Enis
  14. Roll Hard Racing

    Roll Hard Racing What's an apex? STT Staff

    Also I had an absolute blast riding out there in the downpour. I think I was the only novice coach out there at one point.
  15. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    You were the first to go out but 4 or 5 others followed you 2 turns later....:thumb: Glad you found your Gas Cap!
  16. haze748

    haze748 Sammiches

    I had a blast Sunday. Sat out the novice session right as the rain was slowing up, but ran the next one which was awesome. Looking forward to my next event with STT!
  17. haze748

    haze748 Sammiches

    Does anyone know if the guy that caused the red flag in novice yesterday(highside at 10b) is okay?
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2014
  18. Swodi

    Swodi Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    Yeah, he's relatively fine. Just some bruising and a hairline ankle fracture. I dropped his bike off at his place today and he seemed to be in pretty good spirits. He's on bed-rest today, but he's looking forward to getting his bike back together (and that will take some doing) and getting back out there after his first track day.
  19. Great recovery. It makes you wonder what that guy was thinking.
  20. lostinbama

    lostinbama STT Staff STT Staff

    I'm still trying to figure that out. I've got to do a little fiberglass work to my belly pan this week because of it, but am thankful that's all the damage that happened to the bike or myself :thumb:

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