Road Atlanta: AMA Chicane or No Chicane

Discussion in 'STT Southern' started by mastermindtrev, Jun 16, 2012.


How do you want to run Road Atlanta

  1. AMA Chicane - just like the big kids

    0 vote(s)
  2. No Chicane - it flows better

    0 vote(s)
  3. I don't care - I just wanna ride Road Atlanta!!!

    0 vote(s)
  1. TeamBeer

    TeamBeer Rides with no training wheels

    We have seen some really bad ones at T5 too.
  2. TeamBeer

    TeamBeer Rides with no training wheels

    Let's run the course backwards!
  3. Roll Hard Racing

    Roll Hard Racing What's an apex? STT Staff

    Someone mentioned it not having curbs or.whatnot. KEEP IT ON THE TRACK. Chicanes are much safer.
  4. Roll Hard Racing

    Roll Hard Racing What's an apex? STT Staff

  5. JRA

    JRA n00b

    Since I was directed to this thread because I was specifically mentioned, I'd like to just state why we run the configuration we use. I'm not trying to influence what STT does in any way. It's your club and you guys should do whatever you think is right.

    As for NESBA we configure that track in the way that we feel is safest for our riders, that's the bottom line. Obviously some people feel that the trajectory that the chicane sets you on better takes walls out of play and that makes it safer. In the past we experienced more crashes when using the chicane than when using the traditional configuration. More crashes means more opportunities for riders to get hurt, but even more importantly it's the opportunity for multiple riders to be involved. The chicane forces riders to go single file very quickly and that bottleneck means it's a lot more likely that two or more guys are going to come together, and the blind crest just makes it that much worse if somebody is on the ground. We feel that the likelihood of fewer crashes, and the potential for the crashes that do occur to be single bike crashes is actually safer for our riders.

    When the chicane was put in it was to make the super aggressive riding needed in a race situation safer, but that doesn't necessarily make a track day situation safer. Road Atlanta is an intimidating race track for newish riders, and these rider's are always making mistakes at the top of that hill. Heck, it's even tough for experienced riders. Having a rider turn right at the top of the hill leaves an escape down the chicane if they blow it, but using the chicane and blowing it means a trip into the grass at best, but much more likely it means a crash.

    Again, I'm just here to say that for us it's a safety issue and not because we hate it or make decisions based on the "old way." You might recall we were the first to adopt the new turn 12 for the same reasons we adopted (and then rejected) the chicane.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2012
  6. Chaotic

    Chaotic Squirrel!

    The chicane is safer. As previously mentioned, it was put there to keep people away from a wall.

    Truth be told, i LOVE the old T12. It was so much fun. Driving up the hill in 2nd and short-shifting into 3rd before cresting the hill, then driving down the hill and shifting into 4th and then going around T12 WFO, knee down. Pure adrenaline.

    BUT, you were 1 highside away from being thrown into a wall or if you were lucky, a tire wall (which at those speeds, wouldnt have felt much better). So the track had to evolve in the interest of safety.

    I like that area without the chicane also. But i like being away from walls even more. We all know this sport is dangerous, i cant see not utilizing something that was purposely put in place to increase safety.

  7. Chaotic

    Chaotic Squirrel!

    JRA, while i understand the reasoning behind your decision, after riding the chicane for many weekends, i can say that has not been my experience at all. As said before, i have never seen an incident (crash) in that area.

    You also dont necessarily have to go through there single file. Yes, there is a single fastest line through there, as in the line needed for a qualifying session. But you can go through that area 3-wide; i have been involved in such situations on a few occasions.

    People know the chicane is there and slow down. It was put in place to keep people away from the wall and to decrease the speed in that section.

    As far as the potential for crashes, the potential for crashes is actually higher with the new T12. I probably see 5-7 crashes there every race weekend. It is very easy to tuck the front right there. However, the potential for injury is much less with the new T12 due to the reduced speed and eliminating the wall from the equation.

    While the potential for crashess might be higher with the new chicane (although that hasnt been my experience), the potential for injury is less due to the same aforementioned reasons.
  8. jim1000mc

    jim1000mc n00b

    :amen: what he said !
  9. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director


    Thanks for stopping by here and letting us know your thoughts.... I appreciate you taking the time to do that.

    much respect,
  10. JRA

    JRA n00b

    Thanks Trevor. I just wanted to make clear that we feel there are valid reasons for using this configuration based on running over 70 events at Road Atlanta. I'm not here to argue it though, I have no interest in that. :D
  11. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Thanks John!!

    Now please Vote in the Poll.. LOL/
  12. Chaotic

    Chaotic Squirrel!

    Maybe we can work out a configuration that would allow us to exit T1 and make a straight shot to T6. Imagine the air we could get if we could hit "wheelie hill" at about 140. :D
  13. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director

    Looks like the "no chicane" lobbyists have some work to do if they want it their way.

    Although I might just ignore all this and do Sat no-chicane and Sun chicane...... :D

  14. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    I think the above is a great Idea T... Counter Clockwise right?? ; P
  15. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director



  16. Derrick

    Derrick Rides with no training wheels

    Hey now!...I thought we were being democratic..:doh:.

  17. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director

    lol.... hey, I might be a nice guy.... but this is a dictatorship!!!!!

    I did grow up in Canada after all..... :D


    THE MUFFIN MAN Rides with no training wheels

    although not refective of the poll numbers, you have enough opposition, which makes this a fair outcome.
  19. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Unless he believes my evidence of destruction!! :lmao:
  20. Derrick

    Derrick Rides with no training wheels

    Not for the riders who side with the poll choice that 'wins' and can only ride one day.. and that day falls on the poll choice of the 'non-winners.'

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