2015 schedule

Discussion in 'STT News, Announcements' started by Jtryz, Nov 29, 2014.

  1. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Awesome.... Just dont wrap it!!!:thumb:
  2. tnskydivr

    tnskydivr Shut up and Jump! STT Staff

    Merry Christmas everybody!
  3. screws4068

    screws4068 Rides with no training wheels

    WooHoo!!! I cant wait!!!
  4. VernLux

    VernLux Knows an apex

    I'm not suppose to do this but................I've heard that the first one is going to be on Friday, after Christmas at Blackhawk Farms..........provided they can get all the snow shoveled off the track! No need to thank me for the info.....it's my Christmas present to y'all. :lmao:

    Seriously, hopefully it will be out soon.........I'm excited already!
  5. Toddgotfish

    Toddgotfish Rides with no training wheels

    I'm up waiting, only 90 minutes left by my calculations..........."...........89..........................87
  6. Sherry

    Sherry Rides with no training wheels


    I stayed up for the schedule.. I was let down! Gah I guess it'll have to wait 'til morning.
  7. Toddgotfish

    Toddgotfish Rides with no training wheels

    Only 17 minutes Sherry...hang in there
  8. screws4068

    screws4068 Rides with no training wheels

    Darn. No present yet!!
  9. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director

    Sorry.... got drunk and passed out last night.....

    Here it is: 2015 Schedule

    Still need to figure out a couple things, like the southern ladies first day.... but it's 99% there.

  10. Sherry

    Sherry Rides with no training wheels

    You must be on a different time zone or something! But also the times on the forum here for me are all one hour behind.... or my clocks are set on speedy time LOL
  11. Sherry

    Sherry Rides with no training wheels

    ..and it just keeps getting better!
  12. vickisboytoy

    vickisboytoy BLP Racing

    Southern ladies first? Do tell......
  13. screws4068

    screws4068 Rides with no training wheels

    Yes do tell, Madi wants to know!!
  14. april

    april Rides with no training wheels

    Yes! We need a southern Ladies Day!
  15. VernLux

    VernLux Knows an apex

    Any idea on what day of the week it will be on? Depending on the day of the week, Peggy will most likely volunteer to help coach. She's starting a new job on Jan 5th, so probably no time off for her on a Monday, Tues, Wed. or Thursday.
  16. Sherry

    Sherry Rides with no training wheels


    I'm impatient and request details of the southern ladies event please! Spill the beans!!! Pretty please!!! People are hinting about it on FB but we're all in the dark!
  17. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director

    I'm workin' on it - I swear!!!!

    I can't announce anything until I have plans firmed up!

  18. april

    april Rides with no training wheels

    OK, I understand needing to keep hush until things are definite.
    So, how about a private message then? I won't tell anyone, I swear
  19. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Them damned Kentucky Gals have no patience at All!! You guys open Thurs Sherry? I need to come by R&D and get the Cylinder from Dennis..headed up that way in the AM.
  20. Sherry

    Sherry Rides with no training wheels

    Hey Marc! I'm sure Dennis will be around. April wants to go dirt riding Sunday so I just might miss you.

    Okay, how about a hint... what state is the track in where a southern ladies day might take place? :p

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