Mobile Dyno at Pocono Aug 12th

Discussion in 'STT Eastern' started by hank, Aug 13, 2007.

  1. hank

    hank n00b

    Feb 2, 2006
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    Fair enough - although I can't speak for anyone else..... and it appears that your question is actually directed elsewhere, but hey, you asked publically, so here goes...

    From my perspective, although Dave mentioned numerous activities that he wanted to bring to everyone's attention, the only 2 that I noted personally were:

    a) people speeding in the pit area and
    b) people walking/standing/sitting right at entrance/exit for the hot pit area

    And the speeding around the pit area continued even after Dave's talk...

    Then again, speeding in the pit area is so common, that even though it is discussed at EVERY RIDER'S meeting, it is still a widespread problem.... And for further clarification - even :evil: Monte :evil: realizes the extent of pit-area concerns when he posted his (famous/infamous) thread/announcement: READ THIS!!! Personal Responsibility - Pit Vehicles
  2. Finishman2000

    Aug 4, 2006
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    after "the talk" I was in line to enter the funnel that was pit in/out and was held up by people standing 3 wide in the middle of the lane while bikes were pitting in and we were pitting out. Sure I wasn't at speed but the riders coming in are moving and turning. That is a safety issue. After Daves talk he doesn't go over and make sure things are better? Why not?

    The track marshal saw how out of control some riders were and threatened to pull his guys and leave.

    Cars coming in and out of the garage area delivering food.

    I watched the guy on the retro duck go moto on the inside of the track around turn 3 or 4, ride the grass right in front of the corner worker station and preceded to cut right across the track in front of two riders leaning in a left hand turn. Was he taken aside and explained how dangerous that was? I was pitted two bays over and I didn't see it. What was done about this guy? He seemed like a nice with his wife but he didn't even look to see if anyone was coming. I was right there watching. Not daves fault but....

    Again I think there needs some changes and if need be, people asked to leave if they don't listen. A strong pimp hand if you will :lol:
  3. link

    link n00b

    Oct 14, 2006
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    i raced at pocono many times, last time in 2000. i raced in the aprilia cup challenge and finished 6th.

    i know this track very well, when i think of all the places that have potential for danger (my good friend andre matterson died on the banking in 1993) i never think of the 25 foot opening to pit lane.


    i don't remember this being a problem until after lunch. even so i never felt this was a safety issue.  i was used to this being a place where friends, and wives would gather.

    at one point i did notice a large group of guys wearing black vest that read latin bikerz on the back, they were standing near pit lane.

    at the time i didn't think they were creating a hazard.
    i did feel they were in a very poor spot for spectating, so i suggested they check out the pocono tower. it had seating, shade, bathrooms and a better view.

    on my next lap coming down the front straight, i looked up and saw them up there.

    i know of no other instance where guest were creating a incident.
    coach #43
  4. HondaGalToo

    Feb 23, 2006
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    Probably the biggest problem that is a safety problem was folks on-course disobeying flags. Keith was pissed, and I don't blame him. We're supposed to have numbers on our bikes, now, correct? Many bikes didn't have numbers. If you were at a previous event and assigned a number, no one was verifying that it was on your bike. How about if you don't have a number, you don't get through tech? If the cornerworkers see you breaking a rule, they can call in your number. You get a talking to. If you do it a second time, you're done for the day. Two black flags for rules infractions, you're done, and enforce it.

    Speaking of flags, I found them confusing on Sunday, and I've been at this for many years. Waving yellow, no passing. Standing yellow, passing allowed. Well, except on the first two laps of the first sessions. Or was it the first two laps of every session? Or the first lap? See the problem? Keep it consistant. If you want no passing for the first two laps, make in a waving yellow. A standing yellow shouldn't mean two different things. During one session, there was a standing yellow on the first lap, so I didn't pass. The next corner, it wasn't displayed at all, so I passed. Then there was a standing in the next corner. Since it was down in the previous corner, I had no idea if this standing yellow was still part of the first two laps of no passing, or if this was a standing yellow for an actual incidence, but I could still pass.

    Also, I saw coaches passing on the yellow and red flags. :wink:
  5. YouGuysRstupid

    Apr 17, 2007
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    I'm not sure where you saw coaches passing on a red/yellow flag, but if they did, were they showing the rider in front that they needed to get a hand or foot out?

    I can't imagine that a coach would be passing just because they felt like it, it was most likely because they were trying to ensure everyone was being safe on the track and communicating that they were slowing down..

    As for the red flag situation being an STT related problem. It's not. I was there on Saturday with Nesba as well as Sunday.. in the morning with Nesba going up we knew it was going to be a rough day.. i got no sessions at all in A without a red flag. And there was the one copter that came as well that shut things down for awhile..... All of the clubs have a similar thread going on about this, mostly the coaches talking about how frustrating Pocono can be because rather than helping people out and teaching them how to improve, they are acting as Police black flagging people all day long....

    IMO STT handled Pocono as well as they could have. It's very difficult to control the crowds there - its not club specific at all... the only problem i saw out there was something that was already brought up - being riders running off all over the place then getting right back on the track in traffic without looking... Dave mentioned this in the morning meeting, yet people still failed to act safe out there..
  6. HondaGalToo

    Feb 23, 2006
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    Um, no. The one who passed me on a red flag (who did come up and apologize, to his credit, so it's all good) was simply not paying attention to the flags, and said as much.
    I don't think a coach should pass someone on a flag to "show" them to put a hand up. I think that situation would be better and more safely handled by simply following the person off the track and talking to them about it. Chances are, if someone isn't putting their hand up, having someone zipping by them with their hand up isn't going to register with them. Better to talk to them, IMO.

    I do absolutely agree about it not being an STT specific problem. Every org has many problems at the FUSA course, for whatever reason.
  7. YouGuysRstupid

    Apr 17, 2007
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    I see where you are coming from there.. I'm glad he apoligized to you too... the way you said it sounded like it was an on going thing and a large problem, its very good that it's not.. everyone misses a flag or two at some point... i can admit that I have before - just paying attention to another rider or braking markers and whatnot.... overall, it was a good day though wouldnt you agree?
  8. HondaGalToo

    Feb 23, 2006
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    My friend who was watching on the side also observed a coach passing on the yellow during the first two laps, so it wasn't one isolated incident. I wouldn't say it happened excessively, however.

    A good day? No, I wouldn't call it a good day at all, but that isn't STT's fault. As you and I agree, it's the FUSA course. It's just the way it is. I'd stopped riding it for awhile, I may skip it again and spend my money on other events. :D
  9. YouGuysRstupid

    Apr 17, 2007
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    yes - MORE RIDING haha.. BeaveRun is coming up... are you going to that? Besides VIR it's my favorite.. I cant wait!
  10. HondaGalToo

    Feb 23, 2006
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    Yeah, more riding!! Can't get more riding at the FUSA course, too many red flags! :?

    Which BeaveRun? I'll be there Sept 8/9 with nesba, and then in Oct with STT.
  11. YouGuysRstupid

    Apr 17, 2007
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    haha i'll be at both too! See ya there!! - always awesome to find more people with the same addiction lol...
  12. wpasicznyk

    wpasicznyk n00b

    Mar 6, 2006
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    Correct me if I am wrong, but.... Yellow flag, regardless of waving or standing: No Passing.

    The yellow flag is the signal for caution. When it is held stationary it is an indication that there is a problem ahead. Riders must slow and refrain from passing. A waving yellow flag indicates immediate danger ahead. Riders must be aware of something that may or may not be on the track and cannot pass. Sudden evasive action may be required.

    Typical use: standing yellow is shown at the corner station prior to the waving flag. This is an aid to gain riders attention one station early. There is to be no passing until past the incident.
  13. HondaGalToo

    Feb 23, 2006
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    Could be. Maybe I'm remembering Reduc, where they definitely made the distinction.
  14. wpasicznyk

    wpasicznyk n00b

    Mar 6, 2006
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    First three laps at REDUC were standing yellow, no passing. Waving meant there was something on the track (asphalt).
  15. HondaGalToo

    Feb 23, 2006
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    Standing, huh? I could've sworn they had waving yellow for no passing, and the first 3 laps were waving. I though they had standing meaning caution, but you could still pass. Perhaps I'm getting senile.
  16. Desmo46

    Desmo46 n00b

    Mar 15, 2006
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    Hello Walt,

    It was stated at the rider's meeting that waving meant no passing and standing yellow meant caution, debris on the track or some other issue.

    However, for the first three laps of the first sessions of the day in each class, the standing yellow was displayed and meant no passing, for these sessions only. The yellow wasn't waving to make it easier on the corner workers. Try waving a flag continuosly for three laps or six plus minutes and you'll see why.
  17. HondaGalToo

    Feb 23, 2006
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    Thanks, Mike, that's what I remember. I actually just found an old guide, and it does say passing was allowed on standing yellow, but not waving yellow.

    I could've sworn I remembered the cornerworkers waving the yellow for the first 3 laps, though. :D
  18. Kuala76

    Kuala76 n00b

    Aug 14, 2007
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    Hello all! I was one of the corner marshalls out there on Sunday. I worked the end of the NASCAR banking (Turn 7). I must say that Speedy (Keith) took major issue with some of the behaviors on the track and in the pits. Please keep in mind that our number one concern out there is SAFETY for ourselves and for the riders. Had I been registered and able to post immediately following the post may have been a bit more heated. Yes, that day we did have riders over riding the flags, passing under both waving and red flags etc., however, we were told, and I hope such is true, that the specific problems were addressed with the individuals. Bike numbers (or lack thereof) were a HUGE problem for us. Please keep in mind that we don't just look for numbers to "bust you out" for bad behavior, but we also observe bikes for possible problems either equipment or rider. We are all out there for the love of the sport and to support you riders in all ways possible. Over riding the flags is just unacceptable under any circumstances. You are not just putting yourself in danger, but the other riders and the workers out there. We rely on you to adhere to the flags. We make decisions and take actions to get to riders faster, clear incidents and debris etc.... all relying on the fact that the riders will be acting in a reasonable manner and in accordance with the flags. It would be a sad day when a down rider has to wait accross the track for the ENTIRE track to clear before having a worker get to him/her...where as if you are adhering to the flags, we are more apt to "bend protocol" and cross the hot track to get to that rider, or (as I did several times) run up the track to grab debris during a checker lap instead of having to request time down between sessions - run the checker (as several did) and you better believe I will be more apt to hold the next session until all bikes are in the pits.

    Thanks for letting me ramble...and for what it's worth, despite the issues that arose, I still had a blast out there!

    MARRC Corner Worker
  19. HondaGalToo

    Feb 23, 2006
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    Thanks for posting, Kumi. You guys have a tough enough job out there without some boneheads making it more difficult for you. I, for one, appreciate all you guys do!

    I agree about the numbers. We are now supposed to have them on our bikes, but still not everyone had them. Dave?
    No number, you don't pass tech.
  20. hank

    hank n00b

    Feb 2, 2006
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    Yup - that's how it was always supposed to be...

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