READ THIS!!! Personal Responsability - Pit Vehicles

Discussion in 'STT General Discussion' started by STT GUY, Jul 8, 2007.

  1. STT GUY

    STT GUY n00b

    Oct 7, 2005
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    Pit vehicles have gotten out of control. Not just with STT but with ALL at-track activities such as WERA, CCS, etc...

    Why do perfectly normal people forget all sensability when they jump on a pit bike? Why do parents who seem like "good" moms and dads let thier kids go ripping all over hell's half-acre, often unsupervised on a fiddy, scooter, quad, etc....?

    Mid-Ohio has a very strick no Pit Bike policy... However, because we are who we are and have the relationship we do, we are afforded some degree of lattitude. I refuse to let one or two toolboxes screw this up for the rest of us.

    Two guys at Road Atlanta went "exploring" on a Yamaha Rhino late Sunday night and "somehow" flipped it over. That's right, they claimed that were "just driving" and hit a pothole in the pits... Ya.. right.... So one broken leg for #1 and a bunch of staples in the head for #2 resulted in them not wanting to ride thier event Monday. They asked for a refund for Monday. Sorry guys, the time to think about that was BEFORE you went off tresspassing and flipping things over. Why did someone have a Rhino for a "pit bike" in the first place...? As of today.. Rhino's, Rangers, Mule's and all side-by-sides are banned from STT events. There is absolutely no reason to bring one to an event so if you have on leave it on/in the trailer.

    I welcome comments from everyone.

  2. hank

    hank n00b

    Feb 2, 2006
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    Seems reasonable given the history you have outlined.
  3. jdunphy11

    jdunphy11 n00b

    Apr 3, 2006
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    I went to the Prostar @ National Trails yesterday. The number of numbnutz ripping around the place was unbelievable. Get your azz off the pit bike and walk FFS :roll:

    No problem here , its not as if MO is all spread out in the Pit Area
  4. Renard

    Renard n00b

    May 23, 2006
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    I agree...... how about if you have a pit bike it should have a license plate?????

    What do guys think about that????
  5. STT GUY

    STT GUY n00b

    Oct 7, 2005
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    Medical conditions will be granted exceptions but I'll even turn off Grandma's oxygen if she's a numbskull!

    Honestly guys and gals, I want a real world resonable policy and your input is needed.

    Thanks in advance.
  6. troy.havelka

    troy.havelka Rides with no training wheels
    STT Staff

    Apr 1, 2007
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    I think its a good idea that you enforce your own terms and conditions to this subject. During the Road America AMA race, the track tried to keep 50's and pit bikes out for the fact that they do crazy stuff on them all weekend. Their idea was to say that if it was not plated, it wasnt allowed. Alot of the people got in with them by zip tying trailer plates or applied for tags to them. I think that pit bikes can be useful, Maybe restrict the engine size to something small so its just for personal transportation. Big utility quads and mules are not needed for a track day. Theres enough hands at a trackday and most people are glad to help if someone asks.

    One exception for a big one with flashing lights and mudders for Monte to hunt everyone down! Oh, with nitrous and an air horn.
  7. Bagger

    Bagger n00b

    Sep 28, 2005
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    whats the ruling on golf carts?.. I know a buddies friend came down to Mid-O with a cart and it was really nice to be able to cruise on out around the track and watch lines the A group ran through some of the turns.
  8. wdavis009

    wdavis009 Rides with no training wheels

    Mar 5, 2006
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    I've never understood pit bikes at track days. Unless you are involved with running the event, and therefore doing a lot of running around, what purpose do they serve? And why are pre-teen kids allowed to ride them around at all?
  9. Desmo46

    Desmo46 n00b

    Mar 15, 2006
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    Hello Monte,

    My preference would be for no pit vehicles of any kind, including bicycles. With the only exceptions being for medical problems.

    Bicycles seem to be the worst, as some of the riders seem to wobble around the pits expecting the whole world to anticipate their next move.
  10. kerlinger

    kerlinger Rides with no training wheels

    Jan 25, 2006
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    My Dad always used to say "there more horses asses than horses".

    I'd enforce a no pit bike, scooter pit but would allow bicycles.


  11. ekraft84

    ekraft84 What's an apex?

    Jun 5, 2006
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    Pitbikes are a very useful tool when used responsibly. I hate to see a couple bad apples spoil it for everybody. Someone should crack down. If you're screwing around on one, you lose your ride. Plain and simple. Add a fine, revoke membership, whatever. I hate when the minority ruins it for the majority.
  12. The Pirate H

    Oct 16, 2005
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    Geez! I agree that things have gotten annoying and even out of hand on occasion. I definitely would be against banning the use of bicycles for transport in the paddock.

    As for the person who asked why scooters, etc are even necessary, well they are needed, but it can be a long (and sometimes uphill) trek to and from registration and/or the bathrooms.

    Ya know, it seems there may be some parallels between the characters at TDs and races and young jar heads. The Marines appoint a "camp commadant" whenever a garrison was set up for an extended period. This person's role was to set up and enforce the law in the garrison area. Or in our case, the paddock area. Yes, this will divert STT staff time or create the need for more staff. Yes, this may creat ill-will as STT may play a "policing role" as you pro-actively find the rule violators (anything from going too fast, to travelling the wrong way in the paddock - don't laugh, this one can be serious - to youts without protective headgear and so on).

    I'd hate to end up prohibited from camping overnight at the track because of concerns over "after hours" violators. And, because despite saying the rules during the riders' meetings, some rules are still broken, I do not believe restrictions where you have to rely upon the individual will be too effective.
  13. The Pirate H

    Oct 16, 2005
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    I hear ya Eddie! And I hate to suggest that Monte come down with the STRONG pimp hand to smack us all, but.... I can see his side too.

    It may be the track management that catches the screw up (or the screw up may result in big, negative consequences) which could end up hurting everyone big time and long term.
  14. The Pirate H

    Oct 16, 2005
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    How come my avatar isn't showing? :? Is it because I was screwing around in the paddock at Grattan :)
  15. jigmoore

    jigmoore Guest

    it's because it's a black background.
  16. The Pirate H

    Oct 16, 2005
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    [in the Austrian accent of you-know-who] I like you Brian, you're a funny guy. That's why I'm gonna kill you last.
  17. HondaGalToo

    Feb 23, 2006
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    I like having a pitbike at certain tracks where the hike to the bathroom is long. At most tracks, however, they really aren't necessary. And I don't think kids or other non -event-riders need to be zipping around on them at all. If you decide to continue allowing them, how about requiring that the rider put their bike number on it, then if anyone is riding it stupidly, the rider to whom it belongs is done for the day. The problem may be enforcement. We'll probably need to start policing our own, as STT staff can't be everywhere.
  18. williams155

    Jun 14, 2007
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    From everything I have read here, I think we can all agree that the problem is not the vehicles but the operators. Many people find various pit vehicles beneficial for understandable reasons. However, as usually happens, a select few ruin it for the masses.
    I don't mind pit vehicles when operated responsibility. With that said I think if we could have some sort of penalty for abusing the priviledge of having pit vehicles at tracks that allow them. Can tracks impound these vehicle and make the owners pay a heavy fine to get them out of hock? Can we revoke the STT members priviledges as well as end his/her day of riding?
    The problem is the ability to police the pits during the day. STT personel can't be expected to police this...there just aren't enough of them when you consider everything else they are doing.
  19. Abomb143

    Abomb143 Guest

    Hey Monte,

    Removing all pit bikes is not a direction I would follow. As mentioned above punishing the majority members because of the foolishness of the minority is not the best solution. I suggest the following;

    *Nothing bigger than 125 cc (and that's pretty big) for dirt bikes or mopeds
    *No Quads (exception-photo guys)
    *Nothing that is designed to transport more than ONE rider at a time (no side-by-sides).
    *Only operated in SANCTIONED areas (like the pits)
    *Must be at least 13 to operate and be capable of operating it.
    *No irresponsible, reckless, etc etc operation at any time.
    1st violation-(depending on severity) is a notice/warning
    2nd violation-you lose your track day.

    Pit bikes are a valuable tool and should be used as such.
    I prefer not to walk when I need to use the bathroom. I like to hop on the pit bike and go, so I can "go". The proper use makes them an important piece to have

    See you at RA...I'll be on my pit bike riding wheelies :lol:
  20. troy.havelka

    troy.havelka Rides with no training wheels
    STT Staff

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Maybe a seperate sign in sheet at the front gates if you have a pit bike. That way we can keep a tab on who is actually bringing them in and it would be easier to keep tabs if something does happen. But im with everyone else, That if you are caught screwing around on a pit bike, membership should be banned because if you cant be responsible in the pits, I cant trust you on an hot track.

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