Worse than a track pipe

Discussion in 'STT General Discussion' started by K3, Dec 13, 2006.

  1. K3

    K3 What's an apex?

    Oct 14, 2005
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    Doesn't work that way for me. I've failed at quitting many times, but I also succeeded once for an entire year. What made the difference for me was to just stop cold turkey. For me, (and I stress that your results may vary) the ticket is to just quit cold, get the suffering out of the way as quickly as possible, then get on with my life. The crutches you're talking about have never worked for me, because they draw out the withdrawal. It's not the delivery system that I truly miss, it's the bloody nicotine! The more drawn out the withdrawal period, the more likely that I'll give up and go back to smoking. So by quitting cold turkey, I minimize the torture of withdrawal to the shortest time frame. It's worked before, and will work this time as well.

    I have a few projects rolling right now that are just beyond beilef; probably the most ambitious stuff I've ever tackled. From the aspect of stress and excitement, (my main triggers) this is just a terrible time for me to be quitting. But then, when WOULD be a good time, ya know?
  2. Barry C

    Barry C n00b

    Sep 1, 2006
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    Understood, jolly ranchers it is... Dr. Joe says for you to look up Chantrix, a new pill that fakes out the nicotine receptors in your brain. They think ifs nicotine but it is NOT . Joe said he will phone a script for you if you want. Look it up and see if you would like to try it...
  3. K3

    K3 What's an apex?

    Oct 14, 2005
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    Tell Dr. Joe that I really appreciate his kind offer, but I think that maybe the worst is behind me now. At this point when I have a craving, I'm like "Is that all you got beyatch? You best go get some friends. HA! I spent yo Mama's ciggy money on tires!"
  4. Barry C

    Barry C n00b

    Sep 1, 2006
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    Well alrighty then, I think I will try it. I am sooo weak. Bye for now...
  5. K3

    K3 What's an apex?

    Oct 14, 2005
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    Do it Barry. If you decide to try, you'll fail for sure. If you decide to quit, you'll succeed. Just decide that you're going to win, and you can't lose!

    And man, I can't tell you how much easier it is now after 12 days, and how much better I feel already. No coughing now!

    What's it worth to you? If you make it, I'll promise to coach you one-on-one for a session at an LED day. But you've gotta be 100% squeeky clean, OK?
  6. Whyslack

    Whyslack n00b

    Oct 7, 2005
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    way to go bro.... Keep doing those crazy projects. Your mind set is perfect. Keep busy!!!!

    Doesn't it feel good to breath again.

    C'mon Barry you need to quit!!!!
  7. Barry C

    Barry C n00b

    Sep 1, 2006
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    Damn, thats an offer I can't refuse. Jan. 1 will be the day, and Joe, who lives with us, can be my wittness. I'm already sweating!!!! Thank you for the push / bait / tease. Thinking about you coaching me for a whole led makes me want to smoke like a dragon, those are the kind of mental triggers I have to overcome. Oh well, it will be worth it for the personal training. Deal

  8. Barry C

    Barry C n00b

    Sep 1, 2006
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    Thank you for caring Whyslack, I will.
  9. K3

    K3 What's an apex?

    Oct 14, 2005
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    Yeah Baby! 3:00 pm today marked a full two weeks without a cigarette! At this point I feel like I've won the war, and now I'm just bayonetting the survivors! :twisted:
  10. Barry C

    Barry C n00b

    Sep 1, 2006
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    You are the male K3. 11 more smokin days for me then..........

    The male bitch is back.
  11. K3

    K3 What's an apex?

    Oct 14, 2005
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    Christmas Eve, and 16 days smoke free. Went to my Dad & wife's house yesterday for our holiday party, always a stressful time. I was tested, but no cheating!

    Merry Christmas to everyone, and a big thanks to those who have been on my side as I break this vile addiction.
  12. Troll

    Troll n00b

    Aug 17, 2006
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    Man all this talk and now I want one!

    I made it two years straight without a single cheat. I swear I've always been addicted to the act, not the chemicals. Whenever standing around BS'ing after a ride, while driving to work in the winter, standing in the shop with nothing to do, that's when I smoked, and that's when it was the toughest. I cheated with some cigars for a few weeks but eventually gave that up too.

    For about 5 years I had the occasional one while having some beers or out with friends, but I never had the urge beyond that one, even though the girl I was with smoked 2 packs a day.

    I was off work for quite awhile, went back to wrenching, got my bike fixed and was back riding, on the track too, k3 being the lead instructor for my first outing :) And for some reason I was drawn back into it. Picking up my life where I left off 7 years prior, and started buying packs again :( I'm only back to maybe a pack a week, but I think it's the boring drive to and from work that is doing it. I just don't feel like suiting up for the 40 minute commute when it's 30F out.

    Anyways, yeah cold turkey IS the best way, it worked for me, for awhile at least.

    I have a bug up my ass about getting back into some decent shape, and that is part of what prompted me to quit the first time, so I'm sure that will help.

    Good luck brother, and see you out there this season.
  13. K3

    K3 What's an apex?

    Oct 14, 2005
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    Thanks Troll!

    Coaching has been a real blessing for me. Getting to participate in that "First Experience" with so many people has been by far one of the best times of my life. You guys just can't imagine the looks on your faces!

    Yeah, I'm done. Caught my cousin's wife outside smoking at the party tonight, and the smell of her ciggy didn't even make me want one. He's been married to her for 8 years, and I never knew she smoked. I was like, "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!" Their son has Lukemia. For all the little guy's been through, I'd expect that being the kid's parent might make you think a little harder than most about the horrors of cancer. But then of course my cousin dips, and probably mooched his first smoke off me 25 years ago.... :oops:

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