So who's in for barber??

Discussion in 'STT Northern' started by JOHN LACONTE, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. Not that far off,always a great way to wind down the season hangin' with the Southern crew...looking forward to it.....Slow Man's a little hesitant but I assured him Perrone and his crew wouldn't abuse him too much...he's a maybe.
  2. Tdub

    Tdub SayWhat??

    And you believe that??? We will be there! Tdub
  3. Awesome!! All the guys have been asking if you boys will be down there.....that's fantastic,please join us for a cookout,prolly saturday night....till'then...say hi to Jake....tell him to be ready!!.......:) Ya know what I'm just going to go ahead and take that back right now and get it over with... :D
  4. Jimbo

    Jimbo n00b

    I am in if I get chose
  5. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director

    I'll either be workin' if I get chose, or hangin' if I don't.... either way, with all of you mid-west yahoo's coming down, I wouldn't miss the quality time for the world.

    Johnny, if you'd like, I'd be more than happy to act as body guard for slow man.... I'm not really interested in protecting slow man, but the $20 I'll make Perrone give me to get at slow man!! Ha!!!!!

  6. Tdub

    Tdub SayWhat??

    What? You can't show up on your own??? be there!
  7. Jimbo

    Jimbo n00b

    The wife has already took off that weekend so I will be there one way or the other
  8. Tdub

    Tdub SayWhat??

    Carefull...don't want that mancard questioned! Tdub
  9. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Now Cmon Guys.. You know me and Slo are buddies!! Hell I was the one that put him on top of the trailer to get away from the St. Paddy Crazies... Really looking forward to it guys... I am planning a Boil Sat Night too so prepare to chow down... I am with Trevor.. I will be there regardless... working or not... Is it October yet?
  10. A Boil? Wow,that sounds great,we'll have the steak tacos etc again,big time pig out we'll have......couple pops too.... :roll:
  11. Jimbo

    Jimbo n00b

    Hadnt owned one in 22 years LOL
  12. Tdub

    Tdub SayWhat??

  13. Jimbo

    Jimbo n00b

    No sense in acting like I do. As long as I get to ride
  14. At least your priorities are in line :!:
  15. pjdoran

    pjdoran Rides with no training wheels

    I'm in one last time this year. Can't wait!!!!!

    The Midwest will be well represented. If Marc's cooking I better bring the pops.
  16. Tdub

    Tdub SayWhat??

    But I thought you said you were coming????
  17. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

  18. That's some funny the way PJ,Marc AND Chimichanga will be cooking,along with the pops,bring some Tums!!
  19. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director

    .... and don't be down-wind of LaConte!!!!! :D

  20. Jimbo

    Jimbo n00b


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