So who's in for barber??

Discussion in 'STT Northern' started by JOHN LACONTE, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. David Grey

    David Grey Rides with no training wheels

    Barber Barber Barber.

    john will be good to see you guys again. are you guys cooking again LOL
  2. David Grey

    David Grey Rides with no training wheels

    Barber Barber Barber,

    John i see you will be there again, looking forward to that as always, will you guys be cooking again? LOL best food ever!
  3. Tdub

    Tdub SayWhat??

    Are we there yet???
  4. Jimbo

    Jimbo n00b

    I am 80 miles away but not there yet LOL
  5. Hey Bro!! You guys are coming...awesome,are you bringing Brian?? Looking forward to seeing you guys....yes,we'll be cooking,sounds like Marc is also doing some kind of boil Saturday night,we'll be cooking every night,saturday will be like a pot luck I guess....can't wait!!
  6. Or Cheese land................just sayin....Wiscon-SIN...
  7. David Grey

    David Grey Rides with no training wheels

    how do we get in on the pot luck? money favors ladies ?
  8. Just bring whatever you're drinking for yourselfs and we should have enough food......I'm gonna fatten you up and get you drunk nice to slow you down a bit.... :wink:

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