Road Atlanta - Aug. 16-17 - Roll Call

Discussion in 'STT Southern' started by Chaotic, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. Chaotic

    Chaotic Squirrel!

    Who is going to be there?

    I know it is still several weeks away, but I am excited. Assuming my physical therapy continues to go ok and there are no unexpected setbacks, I will be riding that weekend. :woot:

    It will be my first time riding since my bad crash at the WERA season opener back in February. I hope I remember how to do it. :pound:

    Love me some Road Atlanta, it is my favorite track. :wheel:
  2. mag

    mag n00b

    In :woot:
  3. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    I hope to make it.... What about VIR Before? Pick me up Broome!!!
  4. hondamotorco4life

    hondamotorco4life Live to ride.

    I'll be there! I live 5min away so it would be a sin for me not to show up haha.
  5. win979

    win979 STT Staff STT Staff

    Im going to be there with the rest of the Paducah crew.
  6. Jtryz

    Jtryz 675'r

    i would luv to have my second TD there but out of town... damn thats pricey!
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2013
  7. Chaotic

    Chaotic Squirrel!

    Dude i would if i could!

    I won't be back in the country yet though. I will be rushed just getting to Road Atlanta.
  8. Derrick

    Derrick Rides with no training wheels

    Planning on it.
  9. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Rumor said there is a BBQ and Kegger at 7PM Saturday at the back of the track............. IF ya know what I mean.... Mums the word as Sheldon would say.......
  10. mcarter551

    mcarter551 Rides with no training wheels

    I'll be there
  11. Gorilla

    Gorilla Do What?

    In as long as I don't wad my shit up @ Roebling
  12. Tacmedic

    Tacmedic Rides with no training wheels

  13. ridered

    ridered What's an apex?

    Not sure about this one....Work on Saturday but if all goes smooth, I may make Sunday. Will be at VIR the 3-5 though :thumb:
  14. VernLux

    VernLux Knows an apex

    I'm in, if I'm selected. Peg is sitting this one out, so I may try to coach in the "I" group if my little ole 600 will make it around the track without getting the paint sucked off
  15. Brett

    Brett What's an apex?

  16. ramm

    ramm yrraL

  17. Dave608

    Dave608 Let's Ride! STT Staff

    I'm planning on it
  18. Chaotic

    Chaotic Squirrel!

    Good times will ensue, im sure of it. :D

    I hope Wylupek comes also. :wheel:

    I am going to bring the Ape so you guys can't run away from me on the back straightaway. But then again, it doesnt get much better than stuff Wylupek into T10 while doing a leg dangle...while he has a backwards facing GoPro on. :pound:

    I just hope my elbow is strong enough for such activities. PT is going good, but i havent really tried anything on the bike yet. I will just have to try and see.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2013
  19. Chaotic

    Chaotic Squirrel!

    It is physically impossible for me to express how much i can't wait for the RA weekend to get here. It is like a kid waiting on Christmas. You just don't realize how awesome riding the track is until you can't do it for several months.
  20. VernLux

    VernLux Knows an apex

    Hope you continue to improve Chris and will most likely see you there.

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