Road Atlanta - Aug. 16-17 - Roll Call

Discussion in 'STT Southern' started by Chaotic, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. Stephen81

    Stephen81 Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    I'll be there looks like a good sized group coming to this one from Kentucky! Gonna be a blast!
  2. Chaotic

    Chaotic Squirrel!

    Thanks :cheers:

    My elbow is still a little unstable. But, it isn't going to get better unless I either go back into the brace for 2-3 months, or have surgery. I am not willing to do either right now; I have already missed half the year.

    The only other option is to work hard in PT and strengthen everything else to compensate for the tear in my UCL so I can ride; and that is what we are doing.

    Then during the winter, I will have the PRP injections.
  3. Psychoholic

    Psychoholic Bearded Maniac

    I'll probably do it at least one of the days.
  4. Tacmedic

    Tacmedic Rides with no training wheels

    If I'm not selected, I'll buy a day, and if they are sold out, I'll climb over the fence:eek:

    Can you tell I love Road Atlanta?:woot:
  5. Boogie Bones

    Boogie Bones Rides with no training wheels

    I'm In! Really want to get better at the esses.
  6. Chaotic

    Chaotic Squirrel!

    Pin it to win it! :bounce:

    The esses are tricky, as is the chicane at the top. But they are fun and challenging, which is why i love that section (including the chicane). Nowhere else will you be able to experience/practice something like that chicane and then the esses.

    One of the biggest keys to the esses is to remain athletic on the bike. From the time i enter the chicane, to the time i exit "wheelie hill" after turn 5, i am never sitting on the bike. You have to stay up on the balls of your feet (both feet), keeping your butt a little bit off the seat and really use your body to help you flick the bike from side to side.

    It is possible to go through the esses with the throttle pinned the entire time. BUT, you have to really over-exaggerate the use of your body/legs, drive down on the pegs and be athletic with your body to help flick the bike side to side. You can't be "lazy" and just sit on top of the seat, or push the bike over. It has to be a deliborate, commited motion, for each section.

    Hit me up while we are there and i will help you if i can. :thumb:
  7. Psychoholic

    Psychoholic Bearded Maniac

    Is there a weekend bundle going to be offered? It's member priced at 235 a day, is there a chance of a $450 both day package?
  8. ridered

    ridered What's an apex?

    You have to log in to see the bundle option :thumb:
  9. Boogie Bones

    Boogie Bones Rides with no training wheels

    I can dig everything you say here and it sounds like a great plan. But "possible to keep it pinned" sounds like you're trying to end me :)

    J/k, cause that's why I want to improve there specifically, I always felt like I could have gone faster. Each 's' is more open than the last I guess so you can keep piling on the speed throughout...
  10. Chaotic

    Chaotic Squirrel!


    Nah, trust me...i wouldnt give you (or anybody) advice that i thought could end very badly. And as is the case with anything new, you have to work up to it at your own pace. Not to mention that i would never say "follow me" and then just pin it through there. I would take it easy, keeping track of how far you are behind me, and increase my speed just a little each lap. Remember that it only takes an extra 2-3mph to go from a "learning mode" to a "survival mode", and that is what we are trying to avoid. So the key is slow and steady improvements.

    The thing to keep in mind is if you take the appropriate line through the esses (excluding the first long duration corner), there isn't much lean angle through there. So it isnt really a situation where you have to balance throttle vs available traction.

    But as you go faster you are increasing the gyroscopic forces, and because you will be accelerating the entire time, you are altering the geometry of the bike which makes it harder to turn (think of the way trail braking alters the geometry and makes the bike easier to turn-in, accelerating has the opposite affect). So the addition of more gyroscopic forces and altered geometry makes it much harder to go through there at WOT.

    So essentially, the speed you can carry through the esses is primarily dictated by your ability change directions. And staying up off the seat a little bit, on the balls of your feet, in an athletic stance, using your entire body to counteract the gyroscopic forces helps with that. :)
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2013
  11. Psychoholic

    Psychoholic Bearded Maniac

    Woah, the bundle price is even better still!
  12. Boogie Bones

    Boogie Bones Rides with no training wheels

    Roger that. I think that the first long left after the chicane that costs me the most, I need to get some reference points. It goes on longer than I expect and it's a little blind, but it also opens up so you can gather speed. Need to really know where I am in the turn cause so far I've just been winging it a little. I'll look for you at some point and you can try and fix me :thumb:
  13. Chaotic

    Chaotic Squirrel!

    I'll try my best. :cheers:
  14. Liquidsilver

    Liquidsilver What's an apex?

    I'm in. Love those steep hills and the 'esses.'
  15. Psychoholic

    Psychoholic Bearded Maniac

    I was there this past weekend with NESBA, here is some video to entice (bear in mind, I'm not very fast yet, but I'm getting much smoother)

  16. Brett

    Brett What's an apex?

    You coming to ride RA with us in Aug? You are welcome to pit with us again.
  17. Psychoholic

    Psychoholic Bearded Maniac

    I wouldn't miss a chance to ride RA with you guys!

    If Nikki gets a job between now and then I'll probably do the 2 day, but if not I'm certainly doing the 17th.
  18. ramm

    ramm yrraL

  19. FZ1guy

    FZ1guy Hey - Watch this...

    I'm giving myself a TD at RA for my birthday. First TD.
    I could sure use some advice. Should I go Saturday or Sunday? Or both? Should I pre-register or just show up? Will there be leathers for rent for 6'1" with a 30" inseam? Do beginners need to wire the drain/fill/filter? I understand glycol is off limits. Anything else? I may hold off on going through the esses WFO until next time.

    Looking forward to meeting y'all.
  20. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director

    Novice group no wire - and stock coolant is fine if you don't want to change it. If you're up for it though, engine ice or such is a good idea to prepare for Intermediate group.

    We have rental leathers.... no worry there. $60/day.

    If I were you, I'd buy the Sunday and then sign up for the Saturday "Ride Right" where you can win your first trackday for free.... who knows.... you might get lucky!


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