So what does everyone do in the off season?

Discussion in 'STT Northern' started by Ninjeff, Oct 2, 2013.

  1. feint

    feint Rides with no training wheels

    Nov 17, 2011
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    drop 30lb.!!!!!!!! i dropped 80 before(back up 30 now)...and on my way down
    #27 more to go
  2. Spook155

    Spook155 n00b

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Good deal man :cheers: I dropped 65 over this summer, now my leather suit is so baggy that I've got to sell it. Becoming thinner has its downsides :jester:
  3. Ninjeff

    Ninjeff Trackday 101.

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Any good tips for shedding the weight?

    I need to ditch about 20 pounds myself.
  4. dmason53

    dmason53 What's an apex?

    Aug 30, 2011
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    There's no secret - exercise more, eat less (eat better, actually).

    1. Ditch all sodas from your diet. Water, coffee, unsweet tea instead
    2. Ditch ALL fast food
    3. Ditch fried food and most beef. Stick with chicken, turkey and fish. Ditch dairy if you can. You will drop a pant size in 10-14 days if you eliminate ALL diary. I know, I've done it before. This one is as close to a "magic bullet" as you're going to find. Easier said than done, though. Nearly all packaged foods contain some dairy.
    4. Eat breakfast at home and take your lunch to work
    5. Get 30 mins a day of cardio, minimum. This means heart pounding, breathing hard. Running, jump rope (you'll have to do jump for a minute, rest for a minute), stairs, etc. Bicycling doesn't cut it for weight loss, IMO. It's good for maintenance but if you need serious results run instead.
    5. Lift weights. Weight lifting burns lots of calories, builds muscle which in turn burns more fat. You aren't after losing pounds so much as burning fat and replacing it with muscle.

    Good luck.
    #44 dmason53, Oct 4, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2013
  5. PROVERBS254

    PROVERBS254 Rides with no training wheels

    Sep 18, 2013
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    I do P90X. It actually works just remember its ok if u can't finish the whole dvd just keep going then when you have completed the first 90 days do it again until you can fully complete each dvd. I lost over 30+lbs and gained muscle. Lost 2 pants sizes also and I didn't even follow the meal plan or do all of the workouts. I am starting my next cycle of P90X now.
  6. Jbuzz

    Jbuzz The noob

    Jul 21, 2013
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    I think Yoga is a great way to get exercise! It relaxes, is spiritually soothing, increases flexibility, and there's always the great views! I know, I'm a dog, but I am a guy, who also goes to yoga classes, mostly for the girls in tight, revealing exercise wear!
    #46 Jbuzz, Oct 4, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2013
  7. PROVERBS254

    PROVERBS254 Rides with no training wheels

    Sep 18, 2013
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    hey hey dont go telling all of the secrets :pop: i know shame on me:eek:
  8. feint

    feint Rides with no training wheels

    Nov 17, 2011
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    my 80lb journey was in a nutshell:

    RULE # 1: IF it has a label on it, its not FOOD ! Its junk.....for the most part !

    1. Stick to basics. Rain or shine, storm or bliss - my breakfast and lunch DID NOT CHANGE for close to a year. It was a choice of ONE in the categories
    Breakfast: Oatmeal and protein power, egg white omlette with fat free cheese, oatmeal and almond butter.
    Lunch: Anything meat and veggies 3. Snacks: cashews, home made trail mix or anything healthy not more than 200 calories.
    Dinner: This was pretty much like lunch but depending on the day/event all I made sure was that I ate clean and nothing processed.

    Exercise: For me circuit training worked 3x a week. Period. Honestly i never did a routine, just whats on or articles I read. My aim was to go heavy twice a week.

    To be honest I think my fat loss was 80% diet. The reason why I gained so much back is because of stress and bad eating habits. I know I did it before and will do it again - see me skinny in 2014 :)
  9. dmason53

    dmason53 What's an apex?

    Aug 30, 2011
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    Feint - did you stop working out? It is a lifelong change. If you gained weight back I can only assume you stopped working out along with returning to bad eating habits.
  10. feint

    feint Rides with no training wheels

    Nov 17, 2011
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    not by choice but the lifestyle sort of made me. A had a work schedule consulting and this past year there were a lot of 4 hour sleep nights. Go figure little sleep, no workout and client dinners - disastrous !
  11. j_fuggin_t

    j_fuggin_t Track Addict

    Jul 22, 2009
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    Calorie count ;-) stay away from crap foods. I lost 26lbs before last season. It's easy to do once you get in the groove. Poultry and vegetables. Subway has a plethora of stuff you can eat, just stay away from dressings etc.. Carbs in moderation. Working out will help and if you can get it done first thing in the morning it's best time, you're burning nothing but stored energy, instead of what you gave yourself all day. The diet is hands down most important.
  12. dmason53

    dmason53 What's an apex?

    Aug 30, 2011
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    +1 working out I the morning. Best time to do it hands down.
  13. Ninjeff

    Ninjeff Trackday 101.

    Feb 11, 2013
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    All good tips for sure.

    The hardest part about loosing weight for me is knowing that i cant do (eat) all of the things i did when i was in my 20s. I used to be abel to just eat everything and anything in site and still be so skinny that people were like..." you need a cheeseburger?":lmao:

    Not to mention i went from playing multiple sports and having 2 physical jobs to flying a desk 7 days a week.
  14. rdpapag

    rdpapag n00b

    Jul 27, 2013
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    Swimming 3-4 days a week. I've been off schedule for a couple of weeks but I need to get back on it.

    Healthy eating and good sleep are the givens. You'll lose weight on that alone.
  15. Dragunslayer

    Dragunslayer Asphalt Surfer

    Mar 9, 2013
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    I have lost close to 80 pounds since the first of the year by using an app called my fitness pal. I track my calorie intake daily incorporated 30-60 minutes of cardio 5 days a week. I use a heart monitor to make sure I stay in the zone and on the weekends I usually ride 30-40 miles on my mountain bike. It has not always been easy but I can tell you I usually have at least one cheat day a week where I pretty much eat what I want. Heck I usually have dessert every day. Oh yah, the biggest secret to not being hungry when counting calories is to eat less more often. On a 1400 calorie diet I end up with close to 2000 calories a day depending on the cardio I do and I will have roughly 300-400 calories at every meal and eat 100 calorie snacks every 2 hours so I eat 6-8 times a day. Keeps the metabolism going so it is always working thinking about the next meal coming its way.:rawk:
  16. Dragunslayer

    Dragunslayer Asphalt Surfer

    Mar 9, 2013
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    Lol I am doing just the opposite and removing all lights and body work so that I can mount the NEW hotbodies race fairings when they get here. My CBR1000 will become a full time track bike.

    Went and looked at the 2014 Kawasaki Ninja 1000 ABS yesterday and if all goes well I will be selling my 2008 Goldwing and my wife's CBR600F4i and buying two of those for us to use on the street next year. Now all I need is for somebody to buy my Wing with TRAXXIONIZED Dynamics Suspension for $16,000 and my wife's 2006 CBR600 F4i (MINT CONDITION AFD LOW MILEAGE) for $4600 and I will have a great track bike and two great street bikes next year.
  17. Spook155

    Spook155 n00b

    Apr 21, 2013
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    +1 to all of this, almost exactly what I've been doing.

    My problem started when I started my engineering job, instead of stocking juice and water all night at walmart and doing construction during the day, I became lazy and still ate the same that I used to. Gained nearly 70 lbs in 2 years, and then started changing my lifestyle to get back into the shape I used to be in. I'm a bit over halfway there, the hardest part is just sticking with it.
  18. Dragunslayer

    Dragunslayer Asphalt Surfer

    Mar 9, 2013
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    I must be honest, the people at work think I am crazy. Luckily I have a job flexible enough, but part of my cardio during the week is to walk/jog 4.5-5 miles a day Mon-Fri. I treat my cardio like a job ( must be done to survive ). I also like doing this kind of stuff outside and for distance since No matter how far I go in one I reaction I have to go the same distance back to get back to work making money:thumb:
    On the weekends when we go for a bike ride ( my wife is my workout partner and she has lost 50lbs. me ) we usually ride 15-20 miles to a lunch destination and then have to ride back to get back to the truck to go home:bounce:
    I went from 250lbs. to 181 lbs. at my last weight in last week. The holiday season will be the real test. I have a great attitude toward having to exercise to earn or burn the calories for what I want to eat. And contrary to most on here my diet is 70% carbs! but it is mostly fruit.

    Below is me 2 years ago.....:wtf:

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  19. Dragunslayer

    Dragunslayer Asphalt Surfer

    Mar 9, 2013
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    Me 75lbs. Later

    Lots of sweat later :cheer:

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  20. RAZR51

    RAZR51 Large member

    Dec 18, 2005
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    Congrats on the weight loss, that's very impressive. It makes a huge difference in everything we do when we are carrying less weight. pic, where was that? Looks nice:thumb:

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