bluegrass may 30/31 trackday thread

Discussion in 'STT Northern' started by DemonRR, May 6, 2009.

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  1. RSG

    RSG n00b

    It only takes one post to express an opinion. And an opinion is, by its very nature, subjective rather than objective.

    This discussion (better?) has taken on an argumentative tone at times. From my perspective (subjective, not objective) this is due to the fact that no matter how many times people are given the reasons for this cancellation/delay, they insist on doing exactly what you condemned in one of your previous posts: dragging this out. I'll leave it to you to decide whether you fall under that umbrella.

    I will never think less of someone who expresses disappointment at not being able to ride a track as planned. At the end of the day, we are all on this forum because we love riding motorcycles on the race track... period. I just have a problem when people don't even make an effort to see the tremendous amount of energy and perserverance it takes just to get these events planned, let alone executed. I think that even the most pessimistic among you would admit that most of the time, an STT event goes on as scheduled. The fact that this one will not is a disappointment to be sure. What people fail to realize is that the most disappointed of all is Monte, Bonnie, and the STT staff who want nothing more than to get more people enjoying the addiction of track riding.

    It's not easy to send out cancellation notices. It's not required to offer discounts for other tracks to accomodate people who really want to ride, but STT does it anyway, which is waaay cool in my book.

    Just wish people would try to wrap their head around this by looking beyond the fact that they just had to scratch out something in their planner and move it to another day, and consider the bigger picture...
  2. 600dubbar

    600dubbar Rides with no training wheels

    this is the first time anyone has made sense in this entire thread!
  3. SlingBlade

    SlingBlade n00b

    I don't think that puts you in a unique position. We all work hard for our money, and I damn sure acknowledge that my customers work hard for the money they choose to spend with me. So when I make mistakes, I apologize and correct it. I don't spend time trying to tell them how hard my job is.

    Just as many wish you would wrap your head around the idea that the cancellation came too late for some of us to make that happen.

    Respectfully posted.
  4. NCDave

    NCDave n00b

    How about this:

    I would like to express my extreme disappoint with the lateness of the cancellation of the BG track day. While I recognize that you were trying to make the best decision you could with the information at hand, in hindsight, it would have been more beneficial to us if you had just called it off and we could have made other plans.

    Having said that, I appreciate your efforts to make amends by offering other opportunities and discounts to maintain us as valued customers. While we are all quick to cast blame in situations, I want you to also know that the effort is noticed.



    Now....can we all quit whinning and move on? ...or should I bring a dead horse and a stick to the next track day so that we can beat on it???


    sorry...emotions got the best of me and I couldn't resist. :?
  5. Jimbo

    Jimbo n00b

    Why dont everybody just shut the hell up or go back to grade school. This is ridiculous. If you don't think BG will open go to a different track. No other events have canceled!!!! As far as I can tell Monte nor STT has any way of controlling what has happened. Yes maybe a little earlier bail out would Have been nice but at the same time he is offering pretty good deals for folks who have had their days canceled. Damn the drama. If that's what ya want stay at home and watch Days of our lives
  6. NCDave

    NCDave n00b

    Yeah, that was pretty much my point to Jim. Sorry...I just couldn't resist.
  7. RSG

    RSG n00b

    Oddly enough, the very first post in the "OFFICIAL MAY 30/31 BLUEGRASS THREAD" contains the words "we apologize", sandwiched in between offers of refunds, credits, and additional deeply discounted track days at other great tracks. So it seems as if STT is following your business philosophy to the letter.

    As far as Monte/Bonnie's job being difficult... it's not an excuse, simply a way of explaining that if executing a track day at an established, 40-year old track is a difficult undertaking, try (really, please try) and imagine how difficult it is to be the first track day org. to execute one at a track that isn't even completed at the time the schedule is laid out. Then juxtapose that with the probable response from customers such as yourself if the schedule was released without including any dates for what will surely be a world-class venue, all because STT chose not to believe the completion estimates of those responsible for making the place a reality. It really is a rock/hard place scenario, and STT went the route that would maximize Bluegrass track time, even with the unforeseen delays/cancellations.

    I think I'm going to bow out of this thread now. The goal is to help people understand what's happened and facilitate the best possible experience for them moving forward. Some people will allow that by setting their disappointment/anger aside and working with us, and others will not, regardless the explanation/effort...
  8. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Rides with no training wheels

    That bad attitude will cost you a Maple penalty sir. To be delivered to my pit at Barber :!: Not let the whiners whine or you will be responsible for free RC parts also :D
  9. Jimbo

    Jimbo n00b

    Waht the hell. Sounds like you know me but I cant recall you LMAO Maple and RC Go figure :D
  10. NCDave

    NCDave n00b

    I was just gonna offer beer. Guess I just don't know you guys well enough. :roll:
  11. Jimbo

    Jimbo n00b


    Does the body good
  12. rug_burn

    rug_burn n00b



    Too funny............^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  13. DB

    DB n00b

  14. Addio

    Addio n00b


    I think this subject has been exhausted. The May date isn't going to happen. Nothing is going to change that. Move on, already. Folks can point fingers and bitch at one another but it doesn't change a thing. I ask everyone to stop living in the past, be willing to respect the perspectives of others even if those perspectives don't align with their own, and look forward to good days ahead on the track - whatever track that is. I believe the intention of the BG and STT folks were and are positive. Things just didn't work out as planned and so we have no choice but to move on. For some, that may mean voting with their wallets and not attending STT events. Their loss. The laws of supply and demand are at play here and the last time I checked most STT events are sold out - even in a down economy. While I may not agree with all of the STT staff comments, I do recognize this is "their house" and I don't question their intent. Doing so would be hypocritical as they have given dozens of fantastic, fun days at the track.

    I was signed up for April. It was canceled. I signed up for May. It was canceled. But that didn't stop me from signing up for another 4 events. My CC was credited in a timely fashion and STT responded to my emails (thank you, Patty).

    Remember, the riders do this for fun. STT does it for fun and to earn a living. When we aren't on the track having fun they aren't earning income.

    I appreciate everyone's passion. At this point, though, I prefer to focus on the constructive comments and the good times that await and not focus on the disappointment or bitterness. Stickboy, John Burton, Monte, and the rest of the STT team, who taught me how to ride fast, have never been anything but good to me. A couple of cancellations isn't going to cause me to lose sight of that and all of the good days I've had and good people I've met at the track.

  15. STT GUY

    STT GUY n00b

  16. DB

    DB n00b

  17. STT GUY

    STT GUY n00b

  18. 600dubbar

    600dubbar Rides with no training wheels

    two things are going to happen when this track opens because of all one im setting the track record.... :lol: and two well im bumping tires with someone!! :lol: :lol:
  19. STT GUY

    STT GUY n00b

    We need to rent those inflatible Sumo suits and just beat the shit out of each other or go to a go kart place and see how many of us can get ejected!
  20. SlingBlade

    SlingBlade n00b


    Thanks for helping me finally "get it" that my opinions as a paying customer are unimportant.

    In addition you've successfully shouted me down. So in your clever words, "game set and match" to you.

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