Grattan 07/31 - 08/01

Discussion in 'STT Northern' started by aubreyr6, Jun 16, 2010.

  1. aubreyr6

    aubreyr6 Rides with no training wheels

    Any word, I have my fingers crossed, is August 1st going to be a CCW day?!? :D
  2. Rider 414

    Rider 414 n00b

    If it is - I will book that date!!
  3. JMid

    JMid Jason Midlam STT Staff

    It gets my vote!
  4. jigmoore

    jigmoore Guest

    i vote with all my eleven fingers and toes!
  5. Zeno1911

    Zeno1911 n00b

    I'm new ...whats a CCW day? All I have is a concealed Carry day :shock:

  6. jigmoore

    jigmoore Guest

  7. gigantic

    gigantic n00b

    My birthday is a few days prior, I'm considering coming back to where I began to celebrate. If I do, I will bring BBQ.
  8. Justin.Chmielewski

    Justin.Chmielewski Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    My birthday is Aug 1.. I plan on being there to enjoy Lance's BBQ. I will put a bug in the ears of the powers that be.. what better way to celebrate than at the track w/ a group of fellow degenerates and miscreants AND riding Counter ClockWise at Nattarg!!!!!
  9. IL8APEX

    IL8APEX STT Northern *****er STT Staff

    If the BBQ shows up I'm in. Throw in CCW and you won't be able to keep me out of the joint.

  10. Zeno1911

    Zeno1911 n00b

    CCW= Counter CLockwise...I get it!!!!! :oops:

    I love cookies! Chocolate Chip???

  11. wayne.yurak

    wayne.yurak Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    ditto on the bbq and the ccw..................wayne
  12. Happy early Birthday Justin, I'll congrat you myself out there and +1 for me on the CCW.
  13. Jonny Boy

    Jonny Boy Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    I will book if its a CCW weekend as well.
  14. kek70

    kek70 n00b

    Sean and I are planning on attending. I wouldnt mind a CCW day. I never have had the pleasure. YET
  15. aubreyr6

    aubreyr6 Rides with no training wheels

    You will be hooked! However, we are not blessed often enough....

    Well I hope with so many people wanting a CCW day on Sunday that we will get one and know soon! I have been holding out and waiting on purchasing more days at Grattan for this....
  16. Justin.Chmielewski

    Justin.Chmielewski Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    thanks Jesse!! Will be a fun day to spend at the track w/ great people! Add BBQ and CCW and that is a perfect day! Now, I just have to not overcelebrate w/ Baker and Jig!!
  17. jigmoore

    jigmoore Guest

    not possible.
  18. Justin.Chmielewski

    Justin.Chmielewski Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    You CLEARLY didnt witness Road Atlanta or Capt. Lou's in South Haven... oh, its possible!!! :lol:
  19. aubreyr6

    aubreyr6 Rides with no training wheels

    Nothing still? :cry:
  20. Justin.Chmielewski

    Justin.Chmielewski Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    I dropped a note to the "powers that be" about the growing push for a CCW day there. So far, I havent heard back. stay tuned..

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